Package list:
1x ESP8266 WIFI NODEMCU Board (this kit only have one ESP8266 WIFI NODEMCU Board ,please know it )
1x Micro USB cable
1x I2C LCD Display
1x SG90 Servo Motor
1x DHT11 Temp & Humi Sensor Module
1x Tlit Sensor(SW-520D)
1x 4 LED module
1x Stepper Motor + Bridge
3x Potentiometer (10kilohm adjustable resistor)
1x Buzzer
3x GL5516 Photoresistor (Light Sensor)
1x Infrared Receiver (VS1838B)
1x Infrared Remote Controller
24x LED (6x White, 6x Red, 6x Yellow, 6x Green)
5x Push Buttons
5x Push Button Hats
1x Breadboard
1x 4AA Battery Holder
65x Resistors(20x 200ohm, 20x 10Kohm, 20x 1Kohm, 5x1Mohm)
40 Pin Jumper Wires (15cm, M to M)
16 Pin Jumper Wires (20cm, F to F)
IOT NodeMCU Starter Kit
- Product Code: 0104
- Availability: In Stock