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E-paper E-ink 2.9" module MH-ET LIVE black/red
2.9 inch e-paper ink screen module for Arduino / STM32 / ESP32 Low power consumption / wide vie..
ESP32 Wifi Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Soil Moisture Sensor Detection Module
Bluetooth wifi development board, support for Nodumcu / for ArduinoDHT11 temperature and humidity se..
ESP8266 ESP-01 Wifi relay remote control switch
Product size: 45 * 28mmOperating voltage: DC5VCommunication: WIFI (ESP8266 module)Serial communicati..
GY-521 3 Axis analog gyro and Accelerometer Module
Use the chip: MPU-6050Power supply :3-5v (internal low dropout regulator)Communication modes: standa..
GY-MAX30100 Heart rate oxygen concentration sensor module Heart Rate Click Sensor
Heart Rate click carries Maxim's MAX30100 integrated pulse oximetry and heart-rate sensor. It's an o..
I2C ADS1115 4 channel 16 bit ADC module
For microcontrollers without an analog-to-digital converter or when you want a higher-precision ADC,..
IPS 0.96 inch 7P SPI HD 65K Full Color LCD Module 80*160
LCD Size: 0.96 inchDot Matrix Size: 80*160 (Display direction can be adjusted, horizontal scre..
L298N Dual H Bridge Stepper Motor Driver Board
Double H bridge driveChip: L298N (ST NEW)Logical voltage: 5VDrive voltage: 5V-35VLogical current: 0m..
LCD12864 128x64 Dots Graphic LCD Display Module
Size: 93.0 (L) × 70.0(W) × 13.50(H) mmView area: 70.0mm (L) × 38.8mm (W)Dots size: 0.48mm (L) × 0.48..
LCD1602 16x2 ekranas mėlynas
Nominali darbinė įtampa: 5VMaitinimo įtampa: 5VMaksimali maitinimo įtampa: 5,1VJungties žingsnis: 2,..
LCD1602 16x2 ekranas mėlynas I2C IIC
I2C IIC interfaceNominali darbinė įtampa: 5VMaitinimo įtampa: 5VMaksimali maitinimo įtampa: 5,1VJung..
LCD1602 16x2 green I2C IIC
I2C IIC interfaceNominali darbinė įtampa: 5VMaitinimo įtampa: 5VMaksimali maitinimo įtampa: 5,1VJung..
MAX4466 Electret Microphone Amplifier
With this module you can easily measure the ambient sound with an analog pin on your Arduino.The mod..
MAX9814 Electret Microphone Amplifier
With this module you can easily measure sound with an analog pin on your Arduino or other microcon..
MicroSD & SDHC card reader module Adapter SPI interface
The module (MicroSD Card Adapter) is a Micro SD card reader module, and the SPI interface via the fi..